The Art of Fashion
Yes, Kristen looks lovely. So very pretty and soft and clean. Almost the opposite of how she likes to portray herself in real life. Of course there are the gormless looks to camera — all pretty much the same face — which doesn't exactly make for an exciting photo story. There is the slightly awkward body and the shyness about being looked at, that we are so familiar with. But there is no stress in her face. I am not sure what they did, but for once she looks calm and serene and lovely. Also, props must go to the hair and make-up peeps for it is they that have made this shoot work. And work particularly and surprisingly well. And it sends a message to all the nice, normal girls out there — magazine covers are not about flawless beauty. They are absolutely about great hair and make-up, incredible lighting and clever styling. With all that, you too can look this amazing. And that for me is a very positive message.