It's been summer dresses all the way for the June/July period. She made one ill-advised turn in grey Goldsign jeans that was salvaged only by that incredible red Ri2K handbag, but stuck to cute little dresses for the rest. For me the white and the blue fall too comfortably into Kate's territory and lack the fun punch that Pipps usually brings to her style. Which is not to say they don't look great on her (they do), just a bit safe. I like the black outfit — except the zip up top. She is toying with the sports-luxe trend which should really suit her but I am not sure it plays exactly right in this instance. But, by far, my favourite look of the last month is that denim dress by Whistles. Pretty, soft, unexpected, on-trend and perfectly suited to her lifestyle, this was Pippa's look of the month for me.
Pippa is the master of great handbags and sunnies. She knows her way around a dress and has, mercifully, lost those dreadful pantyhose. Now if only the wedges could go the same way, we would be onto a winner of a signature style! But what do you think? Any favourites? Let me know,