Sometimes you have just got to post something because it makes you happy. This is one of those posts. Let me tell you why.
When I joined O Mag a year ago, I wondered how on earth I was going to do a year's worth of fashion stories without ever using black. At O, they prefer not to use black on the pages. And I wear black nearly every day. I love black. You ask my six-year-old niece what my favourite colour is and she will say 'black' without blinking.
And yet, a year later, not only have I accomplished this feat, but I have also come around to loving the aesthetic of bright pops of colour on a page or a screen.
My personal wardrobe isn't exactly a roit of colour just yet, but my general aesthetic has shifted. And all for the good.
And then I saw this wonderful fashion editorial story on Fashion Gone Rogue from Vogue Latin America. Bold, bright, fun and stylish. It brought a smile to my face.
Photographer Micaela Rossato, model Egle Tvirbutaite, stylist Sarah Gore-Reeves.