This is the part of the day when I rant. But in this instance I do it with love. I love, love, love Woolies. I always have, and probably always will, buy a significant part of my wardrobe every season at WW. I know the difference. I have worked for the difference. I love the difference.
So now that we have that out of the way, there is something I need to say. And I am not a happy bunny.
For those of you who have to, want to or need to buy standard Woolies clothing (i.e. not premium brands), you will pay more for an item if it is a size 18, rising incrementally as the size does. Did you know this? Have they told anyone?
I was buying pyjamas recently and decided to go super big on the bottoms. It makes me feel like a little girl and cute. Yes, I have moments of cute. But only when I am alone. You will never see them.
Anyhoo. I looked at my size and then I took a size 20 to the till. When I saw what she was charging me, I said STOP! That's not the price! And she explained that it was — FOR THIS LARGER SIZE AS IT COSTS MORE TO MAKE. Seriously?
First of all, they don't charge less for an 8 than for a 10. All suppliers simply amortise their costs over all the sizes and standardise the price. Why penalise one (very lucrative and traditional) part of the cutomer base?
And second, why keep it hidden? With all the Woolies advertising going on recently you would have thought they could have put a sign up. But no. Sneaky.
To quote Kevin Klein in A Fish Called Wanda, "DISAPPOINTED!"