But I need to say this. The oatmeal Amanda Wakeley dress, costing all of £450, was a bit of a let down. It is as dull and vanilla as we are hoping Kate won't turn out to be. Paired with her favourite LK Bennett nude shoes, I want to shout out loud to her, "where is the colour?" For that price she could have got a jazzy little DvF number. Possibly one of Victoria Beckhams's new line dresses or even a great Project D dress. All more modern and more colourful, as is befitting cheering up a bunch of kids and teenagers in a cancer ward. There was no need to dress a bit like a nurse. You know?

And while I am being a bit critical, that hair... Almost like it is weighing down her slender neck. Come on. Let's take this mane of beauty and make something happen, not just curl the ends and let them hang around her face. OK?
Good, got that out. Anyone want to shoot me? Anyone agree? Let me know.