Every blog has them. Those posts from a couple of years ago that still seem to generate traffic long after the post was relevant or topical. The lovely Jessica Szohr who used to play Vanessa in Gossip Girl is the subject of just such a post. And so I pay attention to her moves and outfits and every now and again I top up the google-juice and add another post about her to the blog. Just to please the folks who happen upon my blog due to search engine magic. Let us begin by looking at the new hair do. I have to say I have always been a bit iffy about Jessica's hair. But this is HOT. Blunt but sexy in the chop. Amazing and a brilliant move. And that dress. I want it. I would wear it a lot. Over leggings or jeans some days, with tights in winter. And maybe even get the gams out in the middle of summer. Like Jess has. Simple from the front, ker-POW at the back. And so much spangle, you could dance with Kylie Minogue in this one. Yum.