The rather delicious cobbler to the stars, Brian Atwood, has just announced that he is developing an affordable line of shoes called B Brian Atwood for the major department stores in the US. I tell you this because it is news. Also because it means that maybe this will trickle down to us one day. Or when we are on holiday in the States. But mostly I tell you this because what constitutes 'affordable' in this new realm of luxury shoe brands is from $200 — $500. That's roughly R3,500 at the top end. Affordable?
I like the direction that things are moving in, however. At least half my shoes are Jimmy Choos. I don't say this to brag. I save up and invest in my shoes. They are not affordable as such. But I have recently benefited from the 24:7 range at Jimmy Choo — also a big price drop from their main line and no less comfortable and beautiful. And this, friends, is jolly good news.