The Art of Fashion

Zara Phillips for Country Life Magazine

Well I never. This got me clutching my pearls and having an attack of the vapours. Can you blame me? I mean, a fleece in an official portrait! How I abhor the garment known as the fleece. And there the lovely Zara Phillips goes wearing one in her official Country Life portrait to mark her engagement to rugby player Mike Tindall. Really.
To be fair, having met Zara several times, she is ALWAYS wearing a fleece. It’s part of her job, her sponsorship, for her role as a potential Olympic horse-riding champion. But honestly, couldn’t she have just gussied up a bit for this portrait?
I must admit I love her dog. Storm, and her jeans – they really suit her. But I can’t live with the fleece, which she selected herself for the portrait so she would be ‘comfortable.’ Lady, pyjamas are comfortable but we don’t go around willy nilly having our portraits done for magazines in them do we? Sigh.
And doesn’t her mother, Princess Anne, look amazing in her 1971 cover for Country Life? I know it was another time, but she really does look smashing.
What do you guys think? Fleece for portrait or no? Vote now.

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