So a long time ago Vanessa, Cathy and I had some lunch and decided that it was time to bring online street style blogs and mainstream fashion magazines together. Well, to be fair, it was Vanessa's idea. And so the new Cosmopolitan Style Counsel pages were born.
The June issue of Cosmo is now out in stores and you should rush out as fast as your wee pedicured feet will take you to snap up a copy and read what these incredible ladies have to say about fashon and style — and what I have to say about that!
It really is an exciting, and developing, collaboration between this blog, my voice and the iconic 25-year-old Cosmo mag. Props must go to Vanessa for finding a way to bring the online (contemporary) reflection of fashion into the pages of a magazine. And working with Cathy, Abby and the gang is NOTHING like Running in Heels or Stylista. I promise.
In order from the top — Amy, Qanita and Michelle.
When you have read it, tell me what you think. Or let me know if you think you've got what it takes to be a Cosmo Style Counsellor.