Yikes. SAMA17 was what I would call an unmitigated Frocky Horror Show. Seriously. I paged through 220 photo pages on Flickr and came up with one dress I liked. One. Not joking. So all the props in the world go to LeAnn for her outfit, her award wins and picking a publicist that is not going to send her down a carpet looking like a hoochie. I believe her dress was eco-label Fundudzi by the lovely Craig Jacobs. Even better, Basically it's a no-contest.
I did think that dear old Elvis Blue didn't look terrible. A bit casual, but he looked clean (c'mon Bellville rockers, just wash and shave), didn't wear sunglasses at night inside the venue (you know who you are) and wasn't wearing anything discernibly shiny. Well played then.
In order to be constructive let me examine exactly what I think the problem is. There is an element of "Emperor's New Clothes" — someone who has some power and influence as decided that poorly-fitted, shiny, embellished gowns are what is called for on these occasions. Sadly, those who look up to them have just gone along with this. It's not their fault, they know not what they do. Let me say this to all the talented musicians — stop it. Go looking on the interwebs at all the stunning, best dressed lists from awards shows all over the world, and get some ideas. Hire a stylist who knows what they are doing. Listen to them. Don't accept something that doesn't fit beautifully. Don't accept synthetic fabrics for an awards show. Feel beautiful. Feel like you are being honoured. This at least will be a step in the right direction.
There is no earthly reason why we should patronise our SAMA attendees. They have access to brilliant designers and stylists. They see what people like Janet Jackson have worn this past week just by reading a blog or two. They could embrace beautiful traditional outfits if they can't find what they want. We don't expect them to be style icons or fashion fundis, but there are plenty of people who can guide them appropriately. I think that LeAnn is going to get far more from these SAMAs than her awards. She has positioned herself as someone to look out for in her classy outfit. Let's hope it inspires others.