Selma Blair is STILL Pregnant — And Still Looking Fantastic
We were chatting in the O magazine fashion office yesterday about how there are some stars who seem to have been pregnant for about two and a half years. I mean, can anyone believe that Natalie Portman has still not had a baby — she looked well pregnant in January at the Oscars! And of course, we have chartered the progress of Selma Blair's pregnancy though a myriad of cool, edgy, casual outfits for ages now. But with her, you really don't want it to end, do you? That would mean an end to the fashion spectacle, nay masterclass of maternity dressing, that she has given us. Have a look at the past two weeks here. Effortless, beautifully appropriate, youthful and stylish. That floral tunic and jeans is a look that is just desperate to come into my non-pregnant wardrobe, surely? This is probs the last of the Selma preggie posts, so enjoy it. Let's see what she has got for us once she is a mum. Any day now. We think.