The Art of Fashion

Are You Wearing Pants? Not Sure? Here's A Flowchart To Help.
There have been some fantastic flowcharts of fashion in the past year — everything from how to get photographed by The Sartorialist to Are You a Hipster have flooded in, and now here is one that is really practical. And hilarious.
So many young women seem confused these days about what constituted a pair of trousers. I mean we all know I go on often enough about the fact that LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. And yet, still there seems to be some doubt. Well, not anymore. Here is the handy flowchart to answer all those niggling questions and clarify once and for all if you really should go out looking like that.
Thanks to those crazy folks over at BuzzFeed, may I present, Am I Wearing Pants, the flowchart.
Click to make it bigger.
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