One of the original super models, Christie Brinkley — another woman of 57 who looks more than a decade younger — has landed a Broadway musical role, that of Roxy Hart in Chicago. First of all, I had really only been half-interested in Christie of late as, really, her life seemed to have come down to multiple failed marriages and drama. And then Oprah interviewed her on the show, and I was taken in all over again. I busted out my 80s ramp walk (based on Christie Brinkley — no, in fact a homage to her) in the office again yesterday. Everyone loves that turn. And then today I caught sight of these images of her on US television, demonstrating some of her moves. Seriously. Good for her. I hope that the run on Broadway is a massive success. She is really an amazingly beautiful woman. How is it even possible? Dress is Hervé Léger, of course. I couldn't even get my right thigh into it. Sigh. But of course I don't envy the pantihose. The rest, but not the pantihose.