Gwyneth Paltrow for US Harpers Bazaar, by Terry Richardson
Gwyneth Paltrow and I have had an on-off relationship. I really couldn't stomach the whole smugness thing for many years. And then she made a gently honed performance in Glee and I had to shift all my preconceptions. I still couldn't do the whole lifestyle preach, but I can admit that she is quite funny, very pretty and knows a thing or two about style — although does try too hard every so often.
So we are good. The only problem is that there is a new irritation. The one where she wants to convince us that she is a beer-swilling, belching, swearing, sex pot. Nooooo. Just be a lovely organic person and we can all be ok.
I don't know. Maybe it is my problem. Maybe I want her to be less complex and 'interesting'. Maybe. I don't think so. I think part of her prettiness comes from her refined elegance. Take that away and it is damaged and off-kilter.
So the combination of Terry Richardson and Gwyneth Paltrow from Harpers Bazaar US is a weird one for me. It just doesn't sit right. She looks great, of course. Hard not to when you are that pretty. But there is something not quite right about a lady of 40 pulling her dress up through her legs. Am I being a prude?