Just for fun we are having another man day on the blog today. But this post is with a twist. This week FOUR (yes, count 'em) individual leading ladies (well I still remember Winona in Heathers) stepped out in the same week working the man's tux for their formal occasions.
Each in their own style — all inspired in part, I suspect — by Alexa's suit she wore to the Met Gala a few months ago. This new trend, for it really is a trend, is something that really works for me. I love the comfort and style of a formal trouser and jacket. And I think that it is perennially stylish and will never date if you stick to the classics.
Ahem, Winona. Maybe not a black shirt?
I really like the heels and slimmer leg on the trouser — particularly on Olivia Wilde. Although Jessica Alba's idea of losing the shirt altogether is great and very sexy. But ultimately, my personal choice would have to be the suit worn by Leighton Meester. Class.