Julianne Moore was quoted as saying something along the lines of 'I'll wear anything Alber Elbaz sends me. I don't do fittings, he just sends the dresses over and I wear them.' Which is probably why she is so often photographed wearing his line for Lanvin. Twice this week she stepped out in his dresses. The first was a black velvet sheath with white silk chiffon sleeves and neck. I liked it. I would definitely wear it. And then she wore a much more risky number. Also black. A knit this time, with massive silk sleeve detail. I think I may like this more, but not necessarily on Julianne. It's a tough one, because it fits better than Lanvin usually does on her (often quite baggy), but now that I am used to that, I am not sure the short, tight and shiny is working for me. She is after all, a rather gracious lady in her 50s. Having said all of that, I still love her in Lanvin. Julianne was promoting her new book in the Freckleface Strawberry series. This one is the musical. And she wore a red silk dress to the launch. Lovely. Julianne Moore is a style rock star. That's all.