Last Tuesday night I was on Twitter standby. I was following the shenanigans at the British Fashion Awards online so that I could report to you as soon as possible. And a BBM came in from (Shopping With) Alex. It said, and I quote, "our mate Alexa has a new haircut!" It was not to be the first time I heard/read that that night.
I had to wait a whole 10 hours before I saw it for myself and then I was a bit underwhelmed, I think. Nice reverse onbré (trust Alexa to do things the other way around), choppier and shorter, which I quite like. She looks amazing, of course. But totally different — no.
I think I kind of expected a radical change to befit the fuss that was being made about someone's hair cut. Irrespective, I like it. What do you guys think? Comments please.
PS: "It" Girl Friday — a new invention that allows me to feature my favourite book club ladies and others that have impressed this week. A total indulgence, but I deserve it since I have been working so hard recently. OK? good.