A life-long pageant participant, Bokang has several titles to her name and knows how to turn it on when it counts. Hopefully this will stand her in good stead as she competes internationally as the SA representative. Let's see some titles being brought home this year.
I was very happy with the standard of the last 12 young women. They were all exceptionally intelligent, groomed, well spoken and any of them would have been an excellent ambassador for South Africa. They walked well (none so well as the lovely Anja, of course) and they carried themselves with as much dignity as they could muster under the circumstances.
It really does need to be said, however, that the amazing opportunity for celebrating South African fashion designers was well and truly missed. Labels Jenni Button and JJ Schoeman was the best we could muster for this international-standard production? With the greatest respect, the fashion talent in this country is so much better than this. With the exception of the well-fitted (but less than what he is capable of) swimsuits by Dax Martin, everything else looked cheap, nasty and dated. There was nothing on-trend, nothing truly sumptuous and glamorous, nothing celebrating South Africa, nothing fresh and new. As they would say, an Epic Fail! What a pity.