Hello and welcome to the last blogging week of the year. This week there will only be two posts a day. One at ten-ish and one at noon-ish. Or when ever I can rouse myself from the glorious day bed under the vines to attend to such matters as style and substance. You understand. And today we begin with the lovely and lucky young woman that is dating Ryan Reynolds. It is of course one of my faves, Blake Lively. And doesn't she look super in her Burberry coat from the latest collection. That collar print detail is magnificent. And hosting an event in gold Gucci. I may need to die a bit for that skirt. I super-love it, I tell you. I have no idea why I am speaking in an announcer's voice, but if I were to make one observation for the crowd today, it is that Blake could have done better than those satin shoes with the gold skirt. I would have worn it with something colourful or metallic — something a tad lighter. Anyhoodle, enjoy the outfits and I will see you all later. Happy Christmas shopping!