Ok, so let me share my thoughts on the recently completed series of SA's Got Talent. Now, I didn't watch it all, but I found the live shows quite compelling. I loved that Randall got to show his humour — and jolly good glasses. I'm guessing Extreme Eyewear?
I loved that the acts were generally quite good. Although I will say that I thought the kids needed their own show. But Darren, Louwtjie, the singing bros and George all rocked it. Props.
But for me the real winner was Anele. Rob too. But Anele emerged as a funny, accessible, relaxed and exciting TV presenter. And she is slowly but surely developing a style to go with her talent. It's not hits all the way, and the shoes need a lot of work. But she is winning the style battle and growing in confidence before our eyes. A real SA girl of our time, with bags of ambition and the skills to back this up, she is the real talent on this programme.