If America's First Lady Michelle Obama has any special talent it is the ability to come across in any situation as a very smart, very elegant, NORMAL person. No matter what the profile of the event — Barbara Walters interviewing you and your President husband for national television for example — she manages to seem real, honest and without artifice.
Well to a point, of course.
It is an interesting conundrum when your 'honesty' includes confessing to the twisting of the truth. Even if it is only to her husband. In a new television interview, Mrs O admits to fudging the truth to Barack about new clothes she has bought. I am slightly uncomfortable about this for two reasons: First, if she is earning her own money, surely she can be trusted to spend it appropriately and the idea of having to answer to your husband about what clothes you buy is weirdly archaic. And secondly, I am kinda flummoxed about admitting to not being entirely truthful. I don't really care, but I bet millions of right-wing Americans will make this an issue of lying to the American people in a heartbeat. Surely?
Oh well, the bit I found far more interesting was when Mrs O discussed her great physical asset — her Angela-Basset-toned arms. When asked by Barbara Walters if she's sick of people talking about them, she replied: 'No, I will never get sick of people talking about my toned arms. If it's a positive compliment, I am a woman, just, like, bring it on.'
You see, normal. Just like us. I heart Michelle. And I would kill for those arms. Sigh.