There has been much made of the fact that Blake Lively was named at the top of the Vogue Best Dressed of the Year 2010 List (yes, we are all about the lists today). If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will probably guess that we don't have too much of a problem with that. Good for her.
However, what was far more of a pleasant surprise was that First Lady, Michelle Obama, was named at number three,
So I did a bit of reflecting back on the year. Mrs O wore Alexander McQueen the week after his death as a sign of respect. She turned up just this week at an event wearing the super-brand-new trend colour, tangerine. She has pioneered the kitten heel. She has embraced the full circle skirt and the new length. As much as Mrs Obama her her own very distinct personal style — which has directly influenced the fashion world — she is also able to adopt trends as soon as they glimmer. And do it all looking like a normal woman from your neighbourhood. Accessible + fashion forward + unique personality = Vogue Best Dressed List. I like it.