Meryl Streep Wears Stella McCartney as She Promotes The Iron Lady
I probably can't count the ways in which I am offended by Maragret Thatcher, the iron lady of 80s British politics. As a fervent leftie liberal, it is all just a travesty. But what is exciting about it is that her life has been made into a movie, starring the incomparable Meryl Streep. And she was in London yesterday, on the bank of the Thames, overlooking the Houses of Parliament, promoting the movie and wearing good old left wing British stalwart, Stella McCartney.
Now, I do hear that Meryl is brilliant. I also hear that it makes you sympathise a bit with Maggie. And that will please those of you offended by my liberal ways. And so we all win just a little bit in this round. Especially whom ever has the dosh to buy that amazing cream coat. Wowzers. I may be in love.