Spotted: Colin Moss, Herchelle Gibbs, Tracy McGregor There were a bunch of SA slebs at the Hugo Boss store opening this week at the V&A Waterfront. Having lived abroad for 10 years, I really don't know who they are usually. So it took me a while to catch on. I am told the the lovely chap at the top is a TV presenter called Colin Moss. He seems very nice, although his lady-friend outshone him with that gorgeous blouse. I have been a cricket fan all my life, so Hershelle Gibbs was easy. He did seem in fine form chatting up the ladies and looking dapper. And I will mention at this point that the event had no alcohol. Just saying. Finally, I figured out that the tiny little blonde lady was Tracy McGregor. Took me a while. And a little help from my media friends (ta, Helen).