Oh, look at that. I believe I have developed a bit of a girl crush on Elizabeth Olsen. How very unexpected. And this month Lizzie covers the achingly hip Nylon magazine. I was quite surprised how like her twin sisters, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, she looks on the cover. I am so used to seeing her smiling sweetly (which the twins seldom, if ever, do let's be honest), in most of her publicity photos. But it seems that being happy comes easily to her, accordingly to the article inside the magazine, and that she is remarkably well adjusted for someone who has lived their life in the shadow of her sister' incredible fame.
Of course it doesn't hurt that Elizabeth's first major film (she is 22) has been critically acclaimed. Martha Marcy May Marlene has been shown at all the major film festivals and Elizabeth has happily gone along to help promote it. And shown some great style along the way too. Sure she loyally wears Elizabeth & James (named after her) and The Row, her sisters' two lines. But she also wears all the hippest labels too — in a remarkably low key and non-hipster way. Like Carven. And Rick Owens. And Madewell. And Isabel Marant. You know. All the labels I would wear if I were rich and skinny. I really like this girl and, I am warning you, I may need to replace Alexa with Elizabeth one day soon... Just saying.