We learn a lot about gratitude here at O Mag. And even still, every now and again I am a bit overwhelmed by the wonderfulness of others.
I have reached out to many people to ask if they would be so kind as to vote for this blog to win the SA Blog Awards — should they feel that it is deserved. And this is my moment — win or lose — to say thank you to everyone who has voted. Everyone who has taken the time to think about me, support me and given of themselves in this way. I am truly grateful.
First I must thank my bosses and colleagues, especially for the support from my Editor, Samantha Page. All the team at Associated Magazines for getting behind me, my own team of hard working and terminally cool collaborators, and all of our family and friends.
Also to many members of the fashion industry and media who have pledged their support. Here is a small sample of what they have said:
Erica Sewell-Alexander — Cape Town Fashion Council, "I totally just voted for your blog! I have asked our team at the council to add a line about voting for your blog in our newsletter, twitter, and facebook. Congrats in advance and can I just say that before I moved here and was in search of Cape Town fashion industry info from abroad, your blog was one of the first google hits to come up and I appreciated your 'insider' perspectives from then on."
Jackie Burger — Elle SA, Editor, "Well done Robyn!! You’ve got the Elle vote!"
Liezel vd Westhuizen, "Of course I will vote, when is the closing date? I will get everyone I know to vote. Good Luck."
Jen Su — 5FM, Showbiz Reporter, "Wonderful! Congrats will vote! xxx"
Anele Mdoda, "Muhahaha evil laugh voted for you 3 times, I have 3 email addys. Am about to vote using my friends mails now *evil laugh as I stir a pot*"
Pnina Fenster — Editor, Glamour, "Well done, Robyn – it’s so deserved. And of course you should win and kick everyone else’s not nearly as stylish, gracious and intelligent asses! XXX"