The Art of Fashion

Continuous Learning: Digital Photography Course
Even for someone like me who uses a camera on a daily basis and to earn a living, continuous learning is a wonderful thing. For my birthday my sister gave me a digital photography course so that I can learn the unique functioning of my digital cameras — as opposed to the old SLR that I first learned on.
However, they need to make sure that at least 10 people are signed up before the course will go ahead, so if you are interested and considering a photography course, this one is a cracker, so sign up now!


The course is designed for anyone who wishes to understand the mechanics and operational workings of their digital camera, be introduced to basic image management techniques using the latest digital editing software, and learn more about photography in a relaxed and creative environment.
Course Content:
* Introduction to portraiture, landscape, still life and nude photography
* Operation of digital cameras — point and shoot and SLR variety
* Exposure methodologies
* Understanding depth of field and shutter speeds
* Processing Raw digital files
* Understanding digital file types and achieving
* Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Cs3
* Introduction to studio lighting techniques
During the course, students will be exposed to a wide range of photographers work via periodic slide shows, and have their own work analyzed during critique sessions.
LECTURER — Adam Letch
COST — R1 440-00
DURATION — 10 Lesson: 30 hours
TIME — Monday evenings 6:00pm — 9:00pm
NEXT COURSES: 7 September to 9 November
Idle Talk: