There's A New Maternity Style Mama in Town: Jessica Alba
While I was delighted for Selma Blair that Arthur Saint Bleick, her brand new baby boy, was eventually born on the weekend (two weeks overdue), it was sad to say goodbye to the many months of brilliant maternity style she gave us. Never has an expectant mother been so cool and stylish. Even as a non-preggie person, I loved the looks she threw together. So au revior Selma and see you next time.
Hot on her heels is actress Jessica Alba who is almost due to pop, but has demonstrated quite an array of style awesomery over the past month. So let's just take a look at that. Is she trying to steal Selma's maternity style crown? Could she? Let's look at the evidence.
First of all I love that red maxi and how she has combined it with a loose weave cotton shirt. I also think that the low hanging trakkie pants are super-cool and comfortable. You just can't fault her array of sunnies, cover-ups and stylishly flowing garments. She knows exactly when to bust out the heels and when to keep with the flats. Bearing in mind that every single one of these images has been shot this month alone. Seriously, I'm not sure I could pull off this many good outfits in a year! So well played J-Albs. Really good show. But has she shown the flair for colour and edgy cool of Selma? Has she managed to look quite so uniquely stylish? I think Selma keeps the crown by a hair. But that's just me. What do you think? Who wins the maternity style fash-off here on the blog? I look forward to hearing your views.