Jennifer Lopez Goes From Disco to Metal in New Music Video
You know I am ob-sessed with how Jennifer Lopez glows. Seriously I need the recipe. Anyone? Anyhoodle, J-to-the-Lo has a new music video out for (What Is) Love? from her new album, and aside from the fact that her current number one hit, On the Floor, will NOT leave my brain, grrrr, I don't actually mind what the song is like. I just care about her glow-y fashion choices. And she made many, many choices — with very little spangle for a change!
I love the (sexy) disco opulence almost as much as I love the ethic, (sexy) hispanic beauty vibe. And seriously, just look at that hair. If I can't have Kate Middleton hair, can I please have J-Lo hair? Please?
And then Jennifer takes us back to the block. Late 80s (sexy) styley. I almost spat my hot chocolate out with glee when I saw the chains and the layered mesh vest. Totes had that look in my wardrobe — with my side ponytail! AMAZING. There is, of course, no explanation for the futuristic metal jumpsuit. My fashion vocabulary runs out just before we get to that town. But if you want to discuss it as a legitimate piece of fashion, please, the comments section is all yours...