Idols 31 July
Freddie has moves! How funny.
Why is Randall wearing his nice blue pjs? Phew. I feel better now. Way too nice last week.
Hey, Dave, that's a nice hoodie. Yum.
Kelly must stand up straight if she is going to wear a thick belt under her boobs.
Oh sweet sacrament, who the hell are these stripper girls. Surely not. Chaps are so Xtina season. Who on earth are the soapgirls and who ok'd this booking?
Nolly's hair is super cute but still no colour in her outfit. C'mon!
Why has someone blow dried Mark's hair again? He's a ROCKER!
Um, shame, who told Jamali to wear these cheap high school modern dancing concert outfits?
Graeme Watkins looking awesome — great ensemble dude.
Oh good, all the right ones are going through.
Why are all the contestants in drab colours tonight? I don't understand.
Nooooo, I love Kahludi. Bummer.
Who knew how awesome The Arrows are? Also want wings for my silver dress. Super cute outfit. Best dressed so far.
Dave and his brother by another mother Freddie are both in. Awesome.
Surely Chloe was the lesser of two super-dull evils? Well Dene will go next obvs.
Unathi is so pretty.
Credits say hair by All Hair Academy. Maybe they should get someone on who isn't at an academy. Stop experimenting with stupid hair peeps. It's a shocker.
Dirk, stylist, love to you. Thank goodness you can roll with the punches.
Till next week over and out.