The Art of Fashion

Dresses I Love On My Birthday — Jennifer Aniston, Daisy Lowe and Karolina Kurkova
So, in case you missed it on Twitter and all, it is my birthday today and to celebrate, I found some images of frocks I have loved this week, to share with all of you.
Let's begin with Jennifer Aniston. It's short and cute and Prada. And on Jen it is totally surprising — pattern! colour! yay!
Daisy Lowe is a delight wrapped in a charm offensive and tied up with a achingly hip bow. I love her look — so modern, so peachy, if you know what I mean. And in the scarlet, slit to the hip but covered up all over dress, she is drop dead smashing. Daisy for the win.
It's not hard for a super model to look amazing. But this Sophie Theallet hot pink dress with navy trim on Karolina Kurkova is A-MAY-ZING. Don't you think?
On one's birthday, happiness must reign. And these dresses make me VERY happy.
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