I'm not sure what to say about this legend of South African fashion. Except that she is able to do that thing. You know, that indefinable magical thing that makes fashion glimmer and shine and bring you to some kind of emotion.
Sure, she is an old trouper who knows how to play her audience (the totally cute kiddies will get me every time). Sure, she has been around and has several mountains of experience in styling and producing a show. But still...
Her authentic South African-ness is unquestionable. Her commitment to representing a vision of Africa that is simultaneously beautiful, trashy, urban, animalistic, trendy and timeless (a bit like Africa herself) is absolutely without peer. Yes, I said without peer. This is a designer who speaks for a continent and has done so for forever. We really should have more opportunities to see what she is capable of. I wish I did. She may well make my very short list of fashion superheros and I think we need to celebrate her, if only just for today.