Let's start with Carey Mulligan in her mocha lace Valentino. I die for dresses with collars and cuffs. Makes me very happy. And it is good to see Carey out and about again after quite a long absence.
Diane Kruger in Alessandra Rich shows how she can carry off structured and interesting just as well as short and flippy. And of course, the frock has pockets. And a contrast red belt. On another level.
Please don't shout at me. I know Eva Longoria in Victoria Beckham is not news. But look at how lovely the colour blocking is! So pretty.
I can't establish the designer of Emily Rossum's dress but I am hoping you guys can. Isn't the print just divine? And that shape. Loved it.
And finally, Gwyneth Paltrow. In Alexander Wang. Sporty elegance. Kinda like Gwynny herself. Perfs.