My lovely friend Christopher went to Madrid a few months ago on his hols. He came back and gave me a delicious chocolate, for which I was very grateful. Until he admitted that he had seen the most perfect sunglasses for me, had considered getting them and then decided that they were too expensive. And while I totally understood, I was also most grumpy when he drew them for me and I saw how awesome they really were. They were the first sighting of the Prada Baroque sunglasses, for which everyone is going a teeny bit giddy now. In fact, I think we are giving some away in Oprah's Favourite Things in the O Magazine in August — make sure you get your copy! Anyhoodle, loads of people have them now and it is not even summer here. But it is in LA where the super-stylish Selma Blair has been rocking hers in all her maternity glory. Also trend-setter Gwen Stefani and lovely Eva Mendes have been spotted with theirs on too recently. They really do look great. But now I think I don't want a pair anymore, since everyone else has already got them. What do you guys think? Do you still want a pair?