The Art of Fashion

Bloggers Unite — I'll Go If You Go.
Calling all my fellow bloggers. The wonderful BeingBrazen and Betty Bake have organised another get together for local bloggers to meet up, network, help build our community and enjoy some nice food and stuff.
The next Bloggers Get Together will take place at El Burro in Green Point, Cape Town on Thursday 30th June at 7pm. Use this flyer to promote it to your blogger contacts as well. That'll be good.
I have to say, I attended the last one and it was lovely. Not only did I walk away with a wonderful prize but I got to meet and chat to some of my favourites that I only knew from reading their blogs every day.
I can't wait till I get to meet a whole lot of new peeps, and reconnect with some of the oldies.
But I'm not going if you don't go. See you there?
UPDATE: Bloggers, the venue has apparently changed from this to the Grand Daddy Bar at the Grand Daddy Hotel in Long Street. Ok.
Idle Talk: