I know, I know, she is a very good singer. But I felt that the Twitterverse got it right last night when they nailed why it was that Pia didn't get the votes, despite the voice, the style and the unquestionable good looks. @texxonfire said "Pia is basically a beauty pageant contestant who, come talent round time, decides to sing. FAIL."
My friend @Anele said, "it's like voting Rachel off Glee" — but so much better when she is gone.
I was also most amused by the outrage that so many Pia fans expressed online when they blamed the L.A.M.B jumpsuit outfit that Gwen Stefani styled for her (and the other female contestants), but I doubt very much that it was the cause of the early exit since, of the three of them, she was by far the best dressed.
No, with news articles flying thick and fast about Pia securing a record deal, dating Mark Ballas from Dancing With The Stars and photos of her looking fully made up in six-inch heels on a Saturday morning, I think we can be well assured someone has a plan for Pia that goes way beyond AI. The only problem is, will that work any better? Can she overcome her natural stiffness and lack of charisma to make any kind of dent with the public? Do we need another Maria? Celine? I really hope not. Sorry.