So it came to pass in 2007 that I was living in north London and had a wardrobe full to absolutely bursting of beautiful designer clothing, shoes, bags and sunglasses. I knew what worked for me and what was beautiful but better for other people. Diane von Furstenburg and Temperley London were my favourite favourites, coupled with my ever growing collection of Jimmy Choos. And now I wanted the pinnacle of stylista possessions — a vintage Chanel 2.55 handbag.
For those of you who don't know, this is the classic Chanel quilted day bag with the chain strap. It was designed in February 1955 and thus the name (2.55) was begotten. [It's Easter, I am taking a biblical tone today...]
I had previously acquired several of my vintage DvF dresses via the magic that is eBay, and decided that this was the best approach to take for this new quest. And so began my sad little temporary addiction to the thrill of the online auction.
To be fair it only lasted a few weeks, but my stress levels rose exponentially! I bid for about seven different bags during this time. I was sensible. I set a limit in my mind of what I was prepared to spend and stuck to that. I diligently put in my bids — starting low and as raising it only to stay on top as the auction progressed. Every time I got my hopes up as the closing time drew near. And every time someone else snuck in at the last minute and snatched it away from under my nose.
Frustrated, I was tempted to start bidding on bags from less rated sellers. One day I gave in and put in a bid. It was quite low relatively speaking, but still a few hundered pounds. And I bloody won. Then I started stressing. A few days later I got an email from eBay telling me that the seller had been suspended pending investigation of dubious trades. And a few more grey hairs appeared atop my head. Luckily the deal was nullified and I wasn't forced to complete it. I went back to the more respected sellers and eventually, about a month later, managed to win an auction for a genuine (with cloth bag and credentials) vintage Chanel 2.55 and my quest was complete.
I love my bag a lot. But it is a hell of a ride doing these things via the web. I'd do it again in a heart beat if I was still looking to acquire lovely things, but staying sensible and remembering that nothing in life of value comes for free is a good approach to take.
To be continued...