She wore some kind of plain affair the first day, but bust out the latest in Burberry the following day as she donned the leather-inset coat and paired it with hard-core ankle boots and a special-forces-style beret. I'm not completely convinced, but I think it heads in a well-intended direction. I like that it is a considered 'look' and has her own personality stamped all over it. Isn't it interesting that two girls, with so much in common, can occupy such different places on the trend map?
Of course, anything the Royals can do, the WAGs are sure to try and do better. Just a day later, Christine Bleakley, TV presenter and girlfriend of Chelsea footballer Frank Lampard, was spotted in the exact same Burberry trench. And while I super-love her handbag, I think that those boots are kinda weird. I was just about to like that she played the whole thing differently, using the trench as an actual coat with a retro vibe underneath, and then the footwear felled me. But I may be wrng. What do you guys think of the trench trend? How would you wear it? Let me know.