Some months back my good friend StyleGuide was crowned - quite rightly — the Doyenne of Fashion Blogging. That she is, no doubt. And she is also at the centre of a ring of people who most love and adore her, and use this privilege to give her a righteous ribbing when we see fit (and are a little more than an arm’s length away for safety.)
So the moniker "The Doyley" was born. And look at her in this A Portrait of a Nation shot.... HOW gorgeous?
Now, when The Doyley was approached by lovely photographer Andrew Brauteseth (@guy_with_camera) to take part in his A Portrait of a Nation project, I was most flattered when she asked, nay insisted, I do her face for her. DUH. Well not so much. My friends are notoriously difficult about having their faces painted. Seriously. I don’t get it... Stars of stage and screen, models who’s mugs appear regularly on cover shoots and every bride from here to KwaZulu Natal love having me ‘do’ them (slight exaggeration for dramatic effect of course), but not my friends.
They run screaming when I so much as reach into my bag for a tissue, and treat my make up brushes like loaded guns. WHY?
When they do capitulate for events such as milestone birthdays, weddings and contributors pics they grimace and twitch and treat me like the oral hygienist. Whatevs to them. But not The Doyley – she was a treat. She let me have my wicked way with her (with the help of some hella purple eye shadow and a show-stopping red lip), she didn’t grimace and she only had wonderful, kind things to say about how she looked. Quite right.
And so, in the spirit of celebration of this awesome portrait, the fact that this is the ONLY mascara that the Doyley’s impossible eyelashes respond to and that I’m looking for a little love, I’m giving away ten tubes of our about-to-be-launched, insanely brilliant Lash Architect 4D Mascara. So follow me on twitter (@SylvieLOreal) and tell me why you’d let me do your face. You can also let us know in the comments box — and what you think of this portrait. And as soon as I feel flooded with love I’ll pick ten of you to give a prezzie to. It's that easy. Now go.
Photo: Andrew Brauteseth, A Portrait of a Nation