What happened was, in December, a call went out on Twitter for peeps to nominate the women who they felt were the most entertaining/informative in their Twitterverse. Obviously it was subjective but the votes were tallied and a list of 25 names was finalised and arranged into two photo shoots — one in CT and one in Johannesburg. The Cape Town shoot took place yesterday. I already knew quite a few of my fellow Queens — some of my own very favourite people — but got to meet a few more, which is always fun.

Suspended in a glass bubble above the ground was an interesting place to spend the morning, but the company of peeps like @CapeTown_Girl, @liezelv, @cow_grrl, @texxonfire, @afashionfriend (all in the photos above) and @Jane_Anne62, @laurenbeukes, @SamWilson1 made it a super great day.
(photo of me in the bubble courtesy of www.capetowngirl.co.za)