I posted some months ago about my love for local bag label, Missibaba, designed by the lovely Chloe Townsend. How I longed with my whole heart for one of her bags. A couple of weeks ago, she launched her new range. And I was equally in love. So many people have already posted on the launch and you might as well check out the Missibaba Facebook page for all the deets on the Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds collection — no need for repeats here. As I have much more important news. This bag. That you see here in the photos. It is mine. Yes. Mine. I now am the proud owner of a Missibaba bag that I LOVE and that people point at and ask me about in the street. Perfect strangers. Loving my bag and being jealous of me. How much more perfect can a bag-girl relationship be? Yay me. And the 'Baba.