I have made a habit in the last year of always checking out the LV windows when they change. There is always something special about them. Always a story, a surprise, a celebration of old school luxury. I love being transported into that world, if only as a visitor.
And this window really has surpassed the rest in meeting all my needs. And then I got sent the press release about them yesterday and I am told it is themed around "As Sweet As Honey". The story goes that Louis Vuitton decided in April 2009 to install three beehives on the roof of its headquarters, in the centre of Paris. The preservation of bio-diversity is one of the great challenges of sustainable development as 35% of food resources in the world are insured by nectar and pollen gathering insects. Throughout 2010 more than 200 000 bees gathered 75kg of nectar, from which a golden honey was produced. This honey, destined for friends and family, is Louis Vuitton’s inspiration for its spring 2011 store windows. As a celebration of the first harvest. How cool is that guys?
If you can, go and check out the windows for yourself. I promise you won't be disappointed. Beautiful.