I came back to jeans last year. I'm not really sure why, but I just fancied it and they were cheap and available at Woolies. But, let's be honest, it still wasn't a match made in heaven and I really couldn't imagine why women would spend thousands of their hard earned SA Rands on a designer pair.

Khadilah and Remo at the V&A Waterfront store were my pastors. They measured me up, discussed leg styles and colour washes and despatched me to the changing rooms to try them on. I can honestly say from the moment I pulled up the first pair, I realised what it was all about. It was a bit like that first time I put on a designer dress and understood instantly why they cost so much more. It was a meeting of true fashion soul mates. There is literally nothing I can say other than I turned up at that store quite grumpy, and I left feeling like I had a religious experience.
And the best bit? The skinny jeans in my size were too big. I got to hear those immortal words, "oh dear, you are going to have to go down a size in those." Seriously? Could it be any better?
They retail for around R700 a pair, just so that you know. Not cheap. But not designer price either. Defs worth it. Go and get yours soon.