Last week I mentioned that I was keeping an eye on one of the chap's style on American Idol. That would be quirky and cool Paul McDonald of course. But I also mentioned that one of the girl contestants, Pia Toscano, was taking some interesting fashion risks. I thought we should get in early on this one and review her style to date — looking specifically at how it is changing and offer some suggestions moving forward. She started out short, shiny and tight. In black. This is marginally tasteful. In that the black off-sets the shiny and mitigates the tight just a bit. And thankfully she never went too short. But, let's face it, it was acceptable only in as much as she is a stunning-looking person with a very modern-attractive body shape and can sing the tonsils off Mariah.
But in the last few weeks we have seen a shift from a young-girl-perception of hot to a more fashion-hot approach to her outfit choices. Still sexy, but now with an edge that will appeal to women. Very smart. To get the women voters to invest in a female contestant is almost impossible these days. But the fashion angle is a refreshing approach that could actually work. Moving forward let's see more fun, more colour and more edge. I would like to see them capitalise on her very curvy, yet trim, body shape, maybe playing with retro styles a bit, hmmm? What do you guys think? PS: Obvs I still think that Jacob Lusk is a singing-god who must come and live with me and sing to me all day long in his hot-oil-voice with backing from that gay gospel choir I am making him form. Good. As long as we are clear on that.