Academy Awards Nomination Lunch and Michelle Williams Wears Victoria, Victoria Beckham
Ah, I do love it when celebs dress in Victoria Beckham. There is even a rumour going around the Twitterverse that there are a few actresses who will be wearing VB to the Oscars. Really? How exciting for everyone involved, I would think. Meanwhile, at the nominees luncheon held earlier this week, Michelle Williams kicked it all off with the 'rain cloud' dress from the Victoria, Victoria Beckham line. And was happily accompanied by fabulous ladies Viola Davis in beight pink Juan Carlos Obando and the divine Melissa McCarthy.
Also in attendance and looking sublime was Rooney Mara in an ASOS jumpsuit and Theirry Mugler jacket (wow, guys) and Octavia Spencer looking EVEN BETTER than both the last times she looked amazing. Seriously. What is this woman going to wear to the Oscars if this is how she looks that the pre-lunch thingimijig? And of course, the ever elegant and mind blowing Meryl Streep. Go ladies.