The Art of Fashion

Three Classic Handbags Every Woman Should (Try to) Own
I am undeniably a shoe and handbag girl. That's where my main fashion investments go. Quality and classic, iconic styles winning every time. I am lucky enough to have as a prize possession the mamma of all beautiful investment handbags. It is called the Smythson Nancy and is everything that is subtle and discreet about luxury leather goods. And you have probably never heard of it. That is the way I like it. You see I don't like flashy labels and blazing logos.
But I will admit to chasing a Chanel 2.55 across London and paying an inordinate amount of money for this iconic handbag — that I have never worn for fear of damaging it. Seriously. I know.
I have also of late come into possession of the most beautiful Louis Vuitton clutch from their most recent collection, which I use every evening event I attend. I love my bags and other than the 2.55, I do use them everyday and frequently. It is such a satisfying way to smarten up or distinguish an outfit.
I mention all this as the O Magazine web site just published a story on the Three Classic Bags That Every Woman Should Own. I'm not sure this is totally a realistic goal, but it certainly is worth aiming for one of these in your lifetime. It will change your life.
Idle Talk: