Forevermark and InStyle's Golden Globe Event Best Dressed: Michelle Williams
It is so weird. Do this blogging job for long enough and you start to notice a pattern. And not a logical one at that. Some events people look amazing. And some events, people just generally don't. The pre-Golden Globe event held by InStyle is one of those events where choosing your best dressed presents you with slim pickings. I mean REALLY slim pickings. The only person who looked really awesome was Golden Globe nominated Michelle Williams. Dressed beautifully and simply in head to toe Versace. Yes, I used simple and Versace in the same sentance. Believe it. The dress, the shoes, the belt. A triumph of restrained style.
Earlier, Michelle had turned out in a ridiculously cute 70s style leather button-through skirt and striped top. Wouldn't mind that in my wardrobe, I don't mind saying. You?